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Tuesday / February 11.

From Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez Desk – If You would Like a Speed Hump on Your Block to help Reduce Vehicular Speed

If you would like a speed hump on your block to help reduce vehicular speed, the 2022 Speed Hump Program application will be opening next Thursday, October 6 at 9:00 AM! Applications can only be submitted online, and I encourage you to submit applications ASAP because the application period will close when 375 applications (25 in each Council District) have been submitted.
This initial application does not guarantee a speed hump. LADOT will still need to determine if your block meets the speed hump guidelines.

#Pacoima #Sylmar #MissionHills #NorthHills #Sunland #Tujunga #LakeViewTerrace #ShadowHills #TeamMRod #LosAngeles #CD7

If You would Like a Speed Hump on Your Block to help Reduce Vehicular Speed

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